Venous Vascular Examination



  • Wash your hands

  • Wear appropriate PPE

  • Introduce yourself and check patient’s Identity

  • Permission: ‘Would it be alright if I examined your legs and stomach?’

  • Privacy: Ensure curtains to the bay are closed

  • Pain: “Are you in any pain at all?” 

  • Position: Patient lying flat in bed

  • Exposure: Trouser and socks off with a sheet across hips



  • Monitoring - ECG, pulse oximetry

  • Treatments - IV access, fluids, compression stockings/devices, anti-coagulant medication, dressings

  • Paraphernalia - walking aids, wheelchair, cigarettes


  • Inspect the entire course of the superficial veins of the legs.

  • Long Saphenous Vein (LSV): runs up the medial aspect of the leg to join the femoral vein at the sapheno-femoral junction. Inspect with the leg externally rotated.

  • Short Saphenous Vein (SSV): runs posteriorly behind the lateral malleolus and joins the popliteal vein. Inspect leg from the back

  • Sapheno-Femoral Junction (SFJ): found 2.5cm below and lateral to the pubic tubercle. Saphena varix = dilatation of the saphenous vein at the SFJ and appears as a blue-tinged bulge, which disappears on lying flat and has a cough impulse. 

Signs of Chronic Venous Disease

  • Venous disease typically manifests in the ‘gaiter area’ (lower shins)

  • Lipodermatosclerosis: skin is hard, fibrotic (indurated), blue/purple/black/red. Legs are ‘inverted champagne bottle’ shaped (narrowing to a point distally).

  • Atrophie Blanche: white spots on a pigmented background of haemosiderin staining dilated capillaries.

  • Venous Eczema: dermatitis which can blister/ulcerate.

  • Venulectasia: dilated subdermal veins lead to corona phlebectatica (red-pink hue) above the ankle. Smaller in size to varicose veins.

  • Venous Ulcers: typically over shins in the distribution of LSV and SSV territory (cf arterial ulcers over pressure points), with sloping edges and a sloughy appearance. Medial ulcer = LSV, lateral ulcer = SSV. 

  • Oedema, Thrombophlebitis, Scarring from healed ulcers.

Signs of DVT

  • Red, swollen calf (hot and tender on palpation)



  • Temperature: use the backs of your hand to compare both legs, feeling up the length of the legs to detect any changes in temperate.

  • Pitting Oedema: how far does it extend? Push your thumb into the patient’s legs on bony prominences, going higher until oedema stops.

  • Calf Tenderness and Warmth: tender, red, swollen calf is a DVT until proven otherwise.


  • Palpate along the course of the LSV and SSV, looking for:

    • Varicosities (dilatations)

    • Thromboses (thickened, firm veins)

    • Thrombophlebitis (red, tender, cord-like veins. DVT in 40%)

  • Cough Impulse over SFJ: saphenovarix? Palpable thrill = incompetent SFJ valves.


Tap Test

  • Feel the SFJ and tap on the LSV (medial) at the knee. A distended varicose vein will transmit this and give a palpable impulse at SFJ.


  • Auscultate any large clusters of veins: a ‘machinery’ murmur indicates the presence of an AV fistula.


Trendelenberg Test

  • Ask the patient to lie supine and raise their leg to 45° (rest it on your shoulder). Empty the leg veins by massaging distally to proximally.

  • Firmly apply pressure with two fingers over the SFJ and ask the patient to stand.

  • If the varicose veins immediately refill, valve incompetence is below the SFJ.

  • If the varicose veins only refill after releasing the pressure from the SFJ, this indicates valve incompetence at the level of the SFJ (a positive test).

Tourniquet Test

  • Begin the same as the Trendelenberg test, but apply a tourniquet to the proximal thigh between the SFJ and the mid-thigh perforator.

  • Ask the patient to stand. If the varicose veins rapidly refill, the valve incompetence is below the level of the tourniquet.

  • Apply the tourniquet to progressively distal locations until the veins do not rapidly refill, indicating the level of valve incompetence.

  • With the patient standing, apply a tourniquet just below the knee joint.

  • Ask the patient to flex the knee 10 times and observe the varicose veins.

  • If the varicose veins empty, the valvular incompetence must be above the level of the tourniquet.

  • Rapid refilling implies valve incompetence in the calf.

  • Pain suggests deep venous occlusion and requires a duplex scan.

N.B. offer to do these tests for patients with obvious varicose veins. These tests are uncomfortable for patients and it is unlikely that you will do them.



  • Thank the patient, ensure they are comfortable and dressed.

  • Remove PPE 

  • Wash hands and equipment


  • Arterial exam: especially ABPI, as the compression stocking used to treat venous congestion are contraindicated in arterial insufficiency.

  • Consider pelvic or abdominal causes for varicose veins eg IVC obstruction secondary to an abdominal mass/lymphadenopathy.

  • Colour flow venous duplex/Doppler ultrasound: visualises blood flow clinical examination is unreliable; hence all patients being considered for treatment should have these investigations performed prior to intervention.